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Monkeypox JSON File

From the CORGIS Dataset Project

By Sam Donald
Version 1.0.0, created 9/27/2022
Tags: pandemic, global health, death, monkey pox


Data on the 2022 monkeypox outbreak is collated by the World Health Organization, and is updated as new information is reported.


Download the following file:

Key Descriptions

Key List of... Comment Example Value
Country.Iso code String Country code "AND"
Country.Full String The name of a country "Andorra"
Date.Full String Full date (YYYY-MM-DD) "2022-07-25"
Date.Year Integer Year 2022
Date.Month Integer Month 7
Date.Day Integer Day 25
Data.Cases.New Integer New cases reported on the given day 1
Data.Cases.Total Integer Total cases reported prior to the given day 1
Data.Cases.New per million Float New cases per million people in the country reported on the given day 12.653
Data.Cases.Total per million Float Total cases per million people in the country prior to the given day 12.653
Data.Deaths.New Integer New deaths reported on the given day 0
Data.Deaths.Total Integer Total deaths reported prior to the given day 0
Data.Deaths.New per million Float New deaths per million people in the country reported on the given day 0.0
Data.Deaths.Total per million Float Total deaths per million people in the country prior to the given day 0.0