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Electricity JSON File

From the CORGIS Dataset Project

By Dennis Kafura, Joung Min Choi, and Bo Guan
Version 2.0.0, created 9/7/2021
Tags: elctricity,electric power, utilities, utility revenues


The U.S. Energy Information Adminstration collects and curates self-reported information from energy utilities about energy production and usage in the United States. This data set contains information from over 2,000 U.S. utilities in 2017. The information includes sources of energy, its uses in different economic sectors, and the revenues obtained from the sale of electrical energy.



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Key Descriptions

Key List of... Comment Example Value
Utility.Number Integer Unique identifier for the utility. 34
Utility.Name String Utility Name "City of Abbeville - (SC)"
Utility.State String A two letter abbreviation for the name of the state (e.g., CA for California) "SC"
Utility.Type String Business type (e.g, Municipal, Private) "Municipal"
Demand.Summer Peak Float Peak demand in the summer measured in megawatts 13.7
Demand.Winter Peak Float Peak demand in the winter measured in megawatts 10.8
Sources.Generation Float Net generation of power measured in megawatt hours 7000.0
Sources.Purchased Float Power purchased from other electric utilities measured in megawatt hours 59000.0
Sources.Other Float Power obtained from other sources (e.g., exchanged with other utilities) measured in megawatt hours 0.0
Sources.Total Float Total power from all sources measured in megawatt hours 66000.0
Uses.Retail Float Power sold on the retail market measured in megawatt hours 58000.0
Uses.Resale Float Power sold to other utilities for resale measured in megawatt hours 0.0
Uses.No Charge Float Power furnished without charge measured in megawatt hours 7000.0
Uses.Consumed Float Power consumed by the utility itself measured in megawatt hours 0.0
Uses.Losses Float Power losses of all kinds measured in megawatt hours 1000.0
Uses.Total Float Total power used for all purposes measured in megawatt hours 66000.0
Revenues.Retail Float Revenue from retail power sales measured in thousands of US dolllars 7536.0
Revenue.Delivery Float Revenue from customers who delivered power measured in thousands of US dollars 0.0
Revenue.Resale Float Revenue from sale of power to other utilities for resale measured in thousands of US dollars 0.0
Revenue.Adjustments Float Revnue from credits or other adjustments measured in thousands of US dollars 0.0
Revenue.Transmission Float Revenue from transmission of power measured in thousands of US dollars 0.0
Revenue.Other Float Revenue of all other kinds measured in thousands of US dollars 0.0
Revenue.Total Float Total revenue from all sources measured in thousands of US dollars 7536.0
Retail.Residential.Revenue Float Revenue from retail sales to residential customers measured in thousands of US dollars 4563.0
Retail.Residential.Sales Float Power delivered to residential customers measured in meagawatt hours 33000.0
Retail.Residential.Customers Float Number of residential customers 3384.0
Retail.Commercial.Revenue Float Revenue from retail sales to commerical customers measured in thousands of US dollars 2973.0
Retail.Commercial.Sales Float Power delivered to commercial customers measured in meagawatt hours 25000.0
Retail.Commercial.Customers Float Number of commercial customers 460.0
Retail.Industrial.Revenue Float Revenue from retail sales to industrial customers measured in thousands of US dollars 0.0
Retail.Industrial.Sales Float Power delivered to industrial customers measured in meagawatt hours 0.0
Retail.Industrial.Customers Float Number of industrial customers 0.0
Retail.Transportation.Revenue Float Revenue from retail sales to transportation customers measured in thousands of US dollars 0.0
Retail.Transportation.Sales Float Power delivered to transportation customers measured in meagawatt hours 0.0
Retail.Transportation.Customers Float Number of transportation customers 0.0
Retail.Total.Revenue Float Total revenue from all retail customers measured in thousands of US dollars 7536.0
Retail.Total.Sales Float Total power delivered to all retail customers measured in megawatt hours 58000.0
Retail.Total.Customers Float Total number of retail customers 3844.0