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Graduates CSV File

From the CORGIS Dataset Project

By Austin Cory Bart
Version 2.0.0, created 11/1/2015
Tags: graduation, grads, majors, education, college, university, higher education, jobs, careers


The data in this library comes from the National Survey of Recent College Graduates. Included is information about employment numbers, major information, and the earnings of different majors. Many majors were not available before 2010, so their values have been recorded as 0 (note that this may affect the averages shown in the bar charts).


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Key Descriptions

Key List of... Comment Example Value
Year Integer The year that this report was made for. 1993
Demographics.Total Integer The estimated number of people awarded degrees in this major during this year. 1295598
Education.Major String The name of the major for these graduated students. "Biological Sciences"
Salaries.Highest Float The highest recorded salary reported for employed people with this degree during this year. 999999.0
Salaries.Lowest Float The lowest recorded salary reported for employed people with this degree during this year. 0.0
Salaries.Mean Float The average (mean) recorded salary reported for employed people with this degree during this year. 160585.73
Salaries.Median Float The median recorded salary reported for employed people with this degree during this year. 51000.0
Salaries.Quantity Integer The number of salaries reported for employed people with this degree during this year. 13432
Salaries.Standard Deviation Float The standard deviation (which gives the amount of variance) of salaries reported for employed people with this degree during this year. 297818.25
Demographics.Ethnicity.Asians Integer The estimated number of people identifying as Asian that were awarded degrees in this major during this year. 84495
Demographics.Ethnicity.Minorities Integer The estimated number of people identifying as a minority (e.g., Black, African American, Native American) that were awarded degrees in this major during this year. 115016
Demographics.Ethnicity.Whites Integer The estimated number of people identifying as White that were awarded degrees in this major during this year. 1094775
Demographics.Gender.Females Integer The estimated number of women awarded degrees in this major during this year. 551695
Demographics.Gender.Males Integer The estimated number of women awarded degrees in this major during this year. 743903
Education.Degrees.Bachelors Integer The estimated number of bachelor degrees awarded in this for major during this year. 671374
Education.Degrees.Doctorates Integer The estimated number of doctoral degrees awarded in this for major during this year. 90543
Education.Degrees.Masters Integer The estimated number of Masters awarded in this for major during this year. 248813
Education.Degrees.Professionals Integer The estimated number of professional degrees awarded in this for major during this year. 284869
Employment.Employer Type.Business/Industry Integer The number of people with a degree in this major during this year who described their Employer Type as "Business/Industry". 669270
Employment.Employer Type.Educational Institution Integer The number of people with a degree in this major during this year who described their Employer Type as an "Educational Institution". 300468
Employment.Employer Type.Government Integer The number of people with a degree in this major during this year who described their Employer Type as "Government". 121117
Employment.Reason Working Outside Field.Career Change Integer The number of people with a degree in this major during this year, who are working outside of the field associated with their major, and who did so because they wanted a career change. 98112
Employment.Reason Working Outside Field.Family-related Integer The number of people with a degree in this major during this year, who are working outside of the field associated with their major, and who did so because of family-related issues. 65619
Employment.Reason Working Outside Field.Job Location Integer The number of people with a degree in this major during this year, who are working outside of the field associated with their major, and who did so because of the job location. 90842
Employment.Reason Working Outside Field.No Job Available Integer The number of people with a degree in this major during this year, who are working outside of the field associated with their major, and who did so because there was no job available in their field. 76598
Employment.Reason Working Outside Field.Other Integer The number of people with a degree in this major during this year, who are working outside of the field associated with their major, and who did so because of other reasons. 24821
Employment.Reason Working Outside Field.Pay/Promotion Integer The number of people with a degree in this major during this year, who are working outside of the field associated with their major, and who did so because of pay or promotion opportunities. 111962
Employment.Reason Working Outside Field.Working Conditions Integer The number of people with a degree in this major during this year, who are working outside of the field associated with their major, and who did so because of working conditions. 100886
Employment.Reason for Not Working.Family Integer The number of people with a degree in this major during this year, who are not working because of their family. 45962
Employment.Reason for Not Working.Layoff Integer The number of people with a degree in this major during this year, who are not working because they were laid off. 7457
Employment.Reason for Not Working.No Job Available Integer The number of people with a degree in this major during this year, who are not working because there was no job available. 14976
Employment.Reason for Not Working.No need/want Integer The number of people with a degree in this major during this year, who are not working because they either did not need a job and/or did not want a job. 30989
Employment.Reason for Not Working.Student Integer The number of people with a degree in this major during this year, who are not working because they were still a student. 51891
Employment.Status.Employed Integer The number of people with a degree in this major during this year, who are employed. 1090855
Employment.Status.Not in Labor Force Integer The number of people with a degree in this major during this year, who are not in the labor force (e.g., retired, students, those taking care of children). 181940
Employment.Status.Unemployed Integer The number of people with a degree in this major during this year, who are unemployed. 22803
Employment.Work Activity.Accounting/Finance/Contracts Integer The number of people with a degree in this major during this year, who describe their primary work activity (more than 10% of their time) as involving Accounting, Finance, or Contracts. 793888
Employment.Work Activity.Applied Research Integer The number of people with a degree in this major during this year, who describe their primary work activity (more than 10% of their time) as involving Applied Research. 341238
Employment.Work Activity.Basic Research Integer The number of people with a degree in this major during this year, who describe their primary work activity (more than 10% of their time) as involving Basic Research. 224277
Employment.Work Activity.Computer Applications Integer The number of people with a degree in this major during this year, who describe their primary work activity (more than 10% of their time) as involving Computer Applications. 297235
Employment.Work Activity.Design Integer The number of people with a degree in this major during this year, who describe their primary work activity (more than 10% of their time) as involving Design. 118772
Employment.Work Activity.Development Integer The number of people with a degree in this major during this year, who describe their primary work activity (more than 10% of their time) as involving Development. 191867
Employment.Work Activity.Human Resources Integer The number of people with a degree in this major during this year, who describe their primary work activity (more than 10% of their time) as involving Human Resources. 365049
Employment.Work Activity.Managing/Supervising People/Projects Integer The number of people with a degree in this major during this year, who describe their primary work activity (more than 10% of their time) as involving managing or supervising either people or projects. 539430
Employment.Work Activity.Other Integer The number of people with a degree in this major during this year, who describe their primary work activity (more than 10% of their time) as involving something not involved in any of the other categories. 99749
Employment.Work Activity.Productions/Operations/Maintenance Integer The number of people with a degree in this major during this year, who describe their primary work activity (more than 10% of their time) as involving productions, operations, or maintenance. 103385
Employment.Work Activity.Professional Service Integer The number of people with a degree in this major during this year, who describe their primary work activity (more than 10% of their time) as involving professional service. 506252
Employment.Work Activity.Qualitity/Productivity Management Integer The number of people with a degree in this major during this year, who describe their primary work activity (more than 10% of their time) as involving qualitity or productivity management. 269042
Employment.Work Activity.Sales, Purchasing, Marketing Integer The number of people with a degree in this major during this year, who describe their primary work activity (more than 10% of their time) as involving sales, purchasing, or marketing. 215169
Employment.Work Activity.Teaching Integer The number of people with a degree in this major during this year, who describe their primary work activity (more than 10% of their time) as involving teaching. 381908