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Astronauts BlockPy Library

From the CORGIS Dataset Project

By Sam Donald
Version 1.0.0, created 10/28/2022
Tags: Space, Astronaut


This database contains publically available information about all astronauts who participated in space missions before 15 January 2020

Key Descriptions

Key List of... Comment Example Value
Profile.Astronaut Numbers.Overall Integer Astronaut world wide number 1
Profile.Astronaut Numbers.Nationwide Integer Astronaut nation wide number 1
Profile.Name String Astronaut name "Gagarin, Yuri"
Profile.Gender String Astronaut gender "male"
Profile.Birth Year Integer Astronaut birth year 1934
Profile.Nationality String Astronaut nationality "U.S.S.R/Russia"
Profile.Military Boolean If the astronaut is associated with the military True
Profile.Selection.Group String Selection group "TsPK-1"
Profile.Selection.Year Integer Selection year 1960
Profile.Lifetime Statistics.Mission count Integer Astronauts lifetime mission count 1
Mission.Role String Astronauts role on mission "pilot"
Mission.Year Integer Mission year 1961
Mission.Name String Mission name "Vostok 1"
Mission.Vechicles.Ascent String Ascent vehicle name "Vostok 1"
Mission.Vechicles.Orbit String Orbit vehicle name "Vostok 2"
Mission.Vechicles.Decent String Decent vehicle name "Vostok 3"
Mission.Durations.Mission duration Float Mission duration 1.77
Profile.Lifetime Statistics.Mission duration Float Astronauts lifetime mission duration 1.77
Mission.Durations.EVA duration Float Astronauts EVA duration 0.0
Profile.Lifetime Statistics.EVA duration Float Astronauts lifetime EVA duration 0.0